Built-in Types

This document serves as a reference for many of the built-in types which are available when programming in the IDE. Programmers using the command-line tools will have access to these types as long as they have imported wirish.h; several are defined in in libmaple_types.h.

Integral types

type char

8-bit integer value.

type short int

16-bit integer value.

type int

32-bit integer value.

type long

32-bit integer value.

type long long

64-bit integer value.

type int8

Synonym for char.

type uint8

Synonym for unsigned char.

type int16

Synonym for short.

type uint16

Synonym for unsigned short.

type int32

Synonym for int.

type uint32

Synonym for unsigned int

type int64

Synonym for long long

type uint64

Synonym for unsigned long long.

Floating-Point Types

type float

32-bit, IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point type.

type double

64-bit, IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point type.

Other Types

type voidFuncPtr

Pointer to a function that takes no arguments and returns nothing, i.e.

typedef void (*voidFuncPtr)(void);