
[Stub] support.

Library Documentation

Nested vector interrupt controller support.


NVIC register map base pointer.

nvic_irq_num enum

Interrupt vector table interrupt numbers.

Each enumerator is the position of the corresponding interrupt in the vector table.


  • NVIC_NMI = -14 -

    Non-maskable interrupt.

  • NVIC_HARDFAULT = -13 -

    Hard fault (all class of fault).

  • NVIC_MEM_MANAGE = -12 -

    Memory management.

  • NVIC_BUS_FAULT = -11 -

    Bus fault: prefetch fault, memory access fault.

  • NVIC_USAGE_FAULT = -10 -

    Usage fault: Undefined instruction or illegal state.

  • NVIC_SVC = -5 -

    System service call via SWI insruction.

  • NVIC_DEBUG_MON = -4 -

    Debug monitor.

  • NVIC_PEND_SVC = -2 -

    Pendable request for system service.

  • NVIC_SYSTICK = -1 -

    System tick timer.

  • NVIC_WWDG = 0 -

    Window watchdog interrupt.

  • NVIC_PVD = 1 -

    PVD through EXTI line detection.

  • NVIC_TAMPER = 2 -


  • NVIC_RTC = 3 -

    Real-time clock.

  • NVIC_FLASH = 4 -


  • NVIC_RCC = 5 -

    Reset and clock control.

  • NVIC_EXTI0 = 6 -

    EXTI line 0.

  • NVIC_EXTI1 = 7 -

    EXTI line 1.

  • NVIC_EXTI2 = 8 -

    EXTI line 2.

  • NVIC_EXTI3 = 9 -

    EXTI line 3.

  • NVIC_EXTI4 = 10 -

    EXTI line 4.

  • NVIC_DMA_CH1 = 11 -

    DMA1 channel 1.

  • NVIC_DMA_CH2 = 12 -

    DMA1 channel 2.

  • NVIC_DMA_CH3 = 13 -

    DMA1 channel 3.

  • NVIC_DMA_CH4 = 14 -

    DMA1 channel 4.

  • NVIC_DMA_CH5 = 15 -

    DMA1 channel 5.

  • NVIC_DMA_CH6 = 16 -

    DMA1 channel 6.

  • NVIC_DMA_CH7 = 17 -

    DMA1 channel 7.

  • NVIC_ADC_1_2 = 18 -

    ADC1 and ADC2.

  • NVIC_USB_HP_CAN_TX = 19 -

    USB high priority or CAN TX.

  • NVIC_USB_LP_CAN_RX0 = 20 -

    USB low priority or CAN RX0.

  • NVIC_CAN_RX1 = 21 -

    CAN RX1.

  • NVIC_CAN_SCE = 22 -

    CAN SCE.

  • NVIC_EXTI_9_5 = 23 -

    EXTI line [9:5].

  • NVIC_TIMER1_BRK = 24 -

    Timer 1 break.

  • NVIC_TIMER1_UP = 25 -

    Timer 1 update.

  • NVIC_TIMER1_TRG_COM = 26 -

    Timer 1 trigger and commutation.

  • NVIC_TIMER1_CC = 27 -

    Timer 1 capture/compare.

  • NVIC_TIMER2 = 28 -

    Timer 2.

  • NVIC_TIMER3 = 29 -

    Timer 3.

  • NVIC_TIMER4 = 30 -

    Timer 4.

  • NVIC_I2C1_EV = 31 -

    I2C1 event.

  • NVIC_I2C1_ER = 32 -

    I2C1 error.

  • NVIC_I2C2_EV = 33 -

    I2C2 event.

  • NVIC_I2C2_ER = 34 -

    I2C2 error.

  • NVIC_SPI1 = 35 -


  • NVIC_SPI2 = 36 -


  • NVIC_USART1 = 37 -


  • NVIC_USART2 = 38 -


  • NVIC_USART3 = 39 -


  • NVIC_EXTI_15_10 = 40 -

    EXTI line [15:10].

  • NVIC_RTCALARM = 41 -

    RTC alarm through EXTI line.


    USB wakeup from suspend through EXTI line.

  • NVIC_TIMER8_BRK = 43 -

    Timer 8 break.

  • NVIC_TIMER8_UP = 44 -

    Timer 8 update.

  • NVIC_TIMER8_TRG_COM = 45 -

    Timer 8 trigger and commutation.

  • NVIC_TIMER8_CC = 46 -

    Timer 8 capture/compare.

void nvic_init(uint32 vector_table_address, uint32 offset)

Initialize the NVIC.

  • vector_table_address -

    Vector table base address.

  • offset -

    Offset from vector_table_address. Some restrictions apply to the use of nonzero offsets; see ST RM0008 and the ARM Cortex M3 Technical Reference Manual.

void nvic_set_vector_table(uint32 address, uint32 offset)

Reset the vector table address.

void nvic_irq_set_priority(nvic_irq_num irqn, uint8 priority)

Nested interrupt controller routines.

Set interrupt priority for an interrupt line Note: The STM32 only implements 4 bits of priority, ignoring the lower 4 bits. This means there are only 16 levels of priority. Bits[3:0] read as zero and ignore writes.

  • irqn -

    device to set

  • priority -

    Priority to set, 0 being highest priority and 15 being lowest.

void nvic_globalirq_enable()

Enables interrupts and configurable fault handlers (clear PRIMASK).

void nvic_globalirq_disable()

Disable interrupts and configurable fault handlers (set PRIMASK).

void nvic_irq_enable(nvic_irq_num irq_num)

Enable interrupt irq_num.

  • irq_num -

    Interrupt to enable

void nvic_irq_disable(nvic_irq_num irq_num)

Disable interrupt irq_num.

  • irq_num -

    Interrupt to disable

void nvic_irq_disable_all(void)

Quickly disable all interrupts.

Calling this function is significantly faster than calling nvic_irq_disable() in a loop.

class nvic_reg_map

NVIC register map type.

Public Members
__io uint32 ISER[8]

Interrupt Set Enable Registers.

uint32 RESERVED0[24]


__io uint32 ICER[8]

Interrupt Clear Enable Registers.

uint32 RSERVED1[24]


__io uint32 ISPR[8]

Interrupt Set Pending Registers.

uint32 RESERVED2[24]


__io uint32 ICPR[8]

Interrupt Clear Pending Registers.

uint32 RESERVED3[24]


__io uint32 IABR[8]

Interrupt Active bit Registers.

uint32 RESERVED4[56]


__io uint8 IP[240]

Interrupt Priority Registers.

uint32 RESERVED5[644]


__io uint32 STIR

Software Trigger Interrupt Registers.